Data Analytics Framework: Putting context into data

Daniel Waisberg

Data Analytics Framework: Putting context into data

A single data point isn’t all that useful for understanding how something works, but neither is a big pile of stats. Context is the key to making metrics actionable, it will turn numbers into something more. In this talk, Daniel Waisberg will go through a framework to help guide the data analysis process. The framework is based on a matrix, called TITE (time, interactions, trends, and events), which takes both internal and external factors into consideration as well as influences and the need for comparison. Using a hypothetical example, he will share how it can be used to transform data into a meaningful story.

Daniel Waisberg

Je nám naprosto jasné, že srdce všech webových analytiků teď poskočila! Daniel totiž v tomto oboru patří mezi nejvzdělanější osoby na světě. Analytics Advocate z londýnského Google si pro festival chystá velmi odbornou přednášku pro skutečné fajnšmekry. A jestli o něm slyšíte poprvé, nastudujte si stránky

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