Data, Customers & the art of applying Psychology
You're data-driven and customer-centric; you're good! You're exploiting your a/b-testing bandwidth for evidence-based growth; You're even better! Bart - a worldwide renown consumer psychologist - will take you from there to a next level. As Bart says "Data = Consumer Behaviour, a Consumer = a Brain, and A/B-testing = Science". Join Bart on his mind-blowing trip through your customers conscious and subconscious brain processes, emotions and decisions. Backing up his often counter intuitive insights with lots of data & experiments, he will show you how applying Psychology wil boost your Marketing efforts and delight your customers.
Marketing Festival s.r.o.
Renneská třída 393/12
639 00 BRNO - Štýřice
IČ: 01646486
DIČ: CZ01646486
Bankovní účet: 2600413633 / 2010
IBAN CZ5920100000002600413633