The Brand Flip: Why customers now run companies and how to profit from it

Marty Neumeier

The Brand Flip: Why customers now run companies and how to profit from it

In the 13 years since Marty Neumeier wrote The Brand Gap, the influence of social media has proven his theory: “A brand isn’t what you say it is—it’s what they say it is.” The rise of branding, now fueled by social media, has placed the future of companies firmly in the hands of customers. This is the brand flip, a cross-industry judo throw that’s taking down some companies and raising others to the status of superstars. People are no longer consumers or market segments or tiny blips in big data. They don’t buy brands. They join brands. In this clear and lively talk, you’ll learn how to “flip” your company from offering products to offering meaning, and from customer satisfaction to customer empowerment. Marty will also explain the Brand Commitment Matrix, the simplest possible tool for flipping your brand.

Marty Neumeier

Kdo jiný by mohl tvrdit, že stál u zrodu produktů Apple, Adobe Systems nebo Hewlett-Packard? Za posledních 25 let získal jako grafik a textař stovky cen, teď učí firmy propojovat strategii a design služeb. Je autorem světoznámé bible The Brand Gap, kterou se zatajeným dechem přečetlo na 10 milionů čtenářů. Jeho další počin Zag má místo na poličce TOP 100 obchodních knih všech dob. V Brně se Marty představí se zbrusu novým vystoupením, ve kterém odhalí principy z chystané novinky The Brand Flip.

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639 00 BRNO - Štýřice

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