AI and Machine Learning: Implications on Business, Marketing & Analytics

Avinash Kaushik

AI and Machine Learning: Implications on Business, Marketing & Analytics

Avinash will kick off his keynote with a broader definition of Artificial Intelligence and explain why he thinks we find ourselves in truly exciting times. His keynote will be forward thinking and will clarify a lot of confusion in the field. Avinash also aims to share how he thinks the future will pan out and offer plenty of actionable suggestions for things you can or should do right now in order to be better prepared for what's coming – whether it's in the area of business, marketing or measurement.

Avinash Kaushik

Avinash needs little in terms of introductions. He's blown our audience away in 2014 with his See, Think, Do, Care framework and now, he's coming back with a new lecture. Believe us – you can set your expectations pretty high for this one!

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