Do Brands Need to Have an Opinion?

Josef Havelka

Do Brands Need to Have an Opinion?

The idea of Brands publicly taking on political and social positions not long ago was considered verboten. Now it seems almost mainstream. This presentation investigates the benefits and the pitfalls of this approach. It will also reveal the results of the first study on the Czech market investigating Czech consumer reactions to this topic. Do they really care? And are they willing to pay a premium for it?

Josef Havelka

Josef Havelka is one of the undisputed legends of Czech advertising. He established Prague’s Leo Burnett offices, went through a number of prestigious posts, started a few successful business ventures and most recently, brought the British creative platform Contagious to the Czech Republic. But to this day, what interests him the most are ideas. Ideas that move the world, services and products that make our lives more beautiful, comfortable, healthier and overall more valuable.

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