Nikola Lörinczová is the founder of the PR agency PIARISTI, which has been working with the most interesting Czech projects in the fields of culture, design, art, architecture, and the creative industry for 11 years. Her current clients include Signal Festival, the Fairmont Golden Prague hotel, and the Klimchi glassworks. In addition to her work for clients, she is also involved in training and mentoring. Together with Pavla Umlaufová, she has recorded nearly 100 episodes of the industry podcast PÍÁRKO.
Pavla Umlaufová is a co-owner of the communication agency PIARISTI. Over its 11-year existence, the agency has managed communications for more than 150 projects that have resonated in the media, on social networks, in the online space, and through influencer collaborations. Some of its recent campaigns include the film Vlny, the Fairmont Golden Prague hotel, the Svět knihy book fair, and initiatives by the Díky, že můžem association. In her free time, Pavla shares her expertise, including through nearly 100 episodes of the PÍÁRKO industry podcast, which she co-hosts with Nikola Lorinczová.
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